Friday, October 29, 2010

Some quick notes

So I started my internship last week. I'm working with Saheli, this organization that works with female sex workers in Pune in the red-light district on Laxmi Road. I'm interviewing FSWs- some of whom are HIV negative and some who are HIV-positive- to gauge the psychological trauma they've experienced and compare and contrast with those of the opposite status. It's been very interesting so far- I haven't ironed out all the kinks in my questionnaire but the interviews I've done so far have been very informative. I also love and adore my interpreter, Vaishali, who makes everything much, much easier.

I'm also super excited because I'M GOING TO ROME!!! I can't believe I already got in- the application process only wrapped up two weeks ago. Finally, 5 years of Latin will actually count for something!! (Italian might come in handy once in a while, too.)

We have the next week off for Diwali and so we can travel around India on our own. I'm going to Kerala with Dani and Chelsea until Thursday. Kerala is this f-ing gorgeous state in SW India. (Google image search at your own risk; you may stare and your screen and drool at the pretty.) I can't even tell you how excited I am- it's going to be so much fun, and Dani and Chelsea are going to be phenomenal to travel with.

I'll check back in on my return on Thursday!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lil,
    That is fabulous news re: Rome!
    You are getting to be quite the world traveler.
    I am so happy for you!
    Thanks for keeping us posted through your blog.
    Love Always,
    Uncle Steve
